Companies from all industries most have management information systems that will help them to be more competitive in the market by managing important strategic decisions by collecting, storing and presenting the information required in the best way possible. This systems gathers data, information, codes, etc. about the different functions of the company that support the managerial decisions of the organization.
GPS Tracking Dog Device: each dog that will receive the walk from Doggy Buddy will have on their leash a GPS Tracking Dog Device, to guarantee their owners (our customers), the security of their dogs and the value that is added to the service providing them security and confidence in the company. This GPS is a management information system that will tell Doggy Buddy the precise location of the dog in case of emergency and helps the management of the organization to take strategic decisions. The GPS Tracking Dog Device that Doggy Buddy will use is called:
“Tagg GPS Plus Pet Tracker: Tagg is Whistle's pet tracking device that attaches to your dog's collar and sends details about their location and daily activity directly to your phone”
Jagarmedical: Another management information system that Doggy Buddy will use is a software specialized for programing appointments and data of each customer. This software is special for doctors but it will be useful also for our organization due to the company needs to program precisely the dogs that will have a walk each day, the duration, the baths that will happen in a day, the bath´s duration and the information not only from the owner of the dog (telephone, address, name) but the detail information of their dogs: vacuums, name, date of births, diseases (if there’s one), breed, if they need to have some medications, etc. . All the information about this software is in the next link: Also, there is a video that explains precisely what the software is about: